Amiga Format CD 30
Amiga Format AFCD30 (Sep 1998, Issue 114).iso
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169 lines
Short: Crafty Chess program V 15.9
Author: hyatt@cis.uab.edu (Robert M. Hyatt)
Uploader: dlorre@caramail.com (Dominique Lorre)
Type: game/board
From Crafty.FAQ (author : Anil Mungal (amungal@vnet.ibm.com)) :
[1] What is Crafty?
Crafty is a chess program written by Bob Hyatt (hyatt@cis.uab.edu).
It is modeled after Cray Blitz (also written by Bob).
Crafty has the following features:
- written in C
- can be compiled with the GNU C compiler on various platforms
- has a customizable opening book
- supports tablebases (Steven Edward's endgame database)
- text interface
Crafty is a work in progress, and is frequently updated/enhanced by Bob.
[1.1] What platforms can Crafty run on?
Now, on the Amiga !
Crafty is really strong. It wins 2-0 again UChess which was the strongest
until now. It has also a lot a features, is PGN aware and also maintain an
internal list of IM/GM ! I noticed it was particularly good in endings:
White : Pc7, Kd7
Black: Pb7, Bg6, Kg3
White to move.
Crafty found the draw in 20 minutes on 68030/28Mhz !
Since I just made the Amiga version there are two problems pending :
1) Crafty is unstable, sorry for that. While the m68k-linux version I made
was stable, the Amiga version sometimes behave strangely. Here is a workaround:
run crafty
entere analyze to go into the analyze mode
enter the move h3 and wait.
If crafty displays a normal line then it is ok, else it will display something
such as d56 and it is not good. Then exit crafty, reboot and start
crafty again. Removing patches might help. I really don't know for the moment.
Comments and ideas are welcome.
2) Crafty won't work with AmyBoard. Crafty needs a newer version of xboard than
the one AmyBoard was made on.
I think crafty would run on a 2Mb system.
Due to the way I compiled it, crafty requires a 68020 and a 2.0 system.
When creating a book, you need 4,000,000 bytes of free memory. A way to save
memory is to modify your crafty.rc file like this :
Put a # character at the start of this two lines and create your book. It will
save about 4Mb. When the book is created then just remove the # and
start crafty again.
First, you must have a minimal Geek Gadgets distribution. If you don't,
please do the following :
Makedir <YourPath>/GG
Assign GG: <YourPath>/GG
Assign GNU: GG:
Assign ADE: GG
The two Assigns for ADE and GNU are for ancient names of the ADE distribution.
If you do this you will not have any trouble in the future.
Makedir GG:lib
Makedir GG:bin
Makedir GG:Sys
A few words of explanation : The geek gagdets is providing a library named
ixemul.library which is a NetBSD kernel. So it is very Unix-like. I don't want
to go into details but when you want to install a new Geek-Gagdets utility
it will have to be installed here, in the GG: drawer.
Now, install the ixemul.library, the name depends on the flavor you choose :
Cd GG:
Copy <SrcPath>ixemul-bin.lha ""
Lha x ixemul-bin
And ixemul will be extracted to your Sys directory
If the archive is in the form tar.gz :
Cd G::
copy <SrcPath>ixemul-bin.tar.gz ""
gunzip ixemul-bin.tar.gz
tar xvf ixemul-bin.tar
Of course, in this case you will need tar and gzip in your path.
If the ixemul is a special flavor you may need to rename it :
Cd GG:Sys/Libs
Rename ixemul020.library as ixemul.library
Rename ixnet020.library as ixnetlibrary
Now, all you need is to add the following in your user-startup :
Assign GG: <YourPath>/GG
Assign GNU: GG
Assign ADE: GG:
Path GG:bin ADD
Assign LIBS: GG:Sys/Libs ADD
As I said, this is minimal, you might need other assigns such as info:
for GG:info but this is not needed by Crafty. If your are interested,
you should have look on the Geek gadgets docs on the Aminet in dev/gg or
on the geek Gadgets site at http://www.ninemoons.com.
When you have done this, or if you have already a suitable Geek Gadgets
installation, crafty can be installed :
Cd <CraftyPath>
Copy <SrcPath>crafty-15.9.lha ""
Lha x crafty-15.9
The directory crafty-15.9 will be created.
It is better to use crafty on its directory. I have made a cleanup script
that will remove all the extra files
Just pay attention to the fact that crafty is creating two files each time
you play a game, so starting it from any directory will create a lot of
game.??? and log.??? files. Always starting crafty from the same drawer is a
good habit.
This is the list of modifications I have done for making the Amiga version
of Crafty.
1) Someone has already done some work for making an Amiga version of Crafty.
I don't knwo who, however. Anyway I used a lot of this work.
2) Modified the Makefile for adding an Amiga entry.
3) Modified the file chess.h and decided finally to not describe the Amiga
as an UNIX machine. The effect is that crafty.rc is created instead of .craftyrc.
4) Created an "asm" file amigasupport.c for allowing the use of dos protos
without conflicting with the Crafty's Read() function.
5) Moved functions from utility.c to amigasupport.c and added timer
initialization call in main.c.
6) Corrected a bug in book.c where malloc success was not checked. This made
the amiga crash if 4 000 000 bytes of memory were not present when creating a book.
7) Compiled with gcc-, recent binutils, ixemul 47.2, other stuff from
Fred Fish CD X, so I recommend
Assign GNU: GG:
Assign ADE: GG:
or something similar in your user-startup.
8) Crafty will not run if compiled on SAS/C because it needs 8 bytes long long.
Dominique Lorre (dlorre@craramail.com) 18-Jun-98